Chrome Power User


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  • Last updated December 10, 2020 at 8:50 AM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
Reflect on how the use of specific Chrome apps and/or extensions has affected your teaching and/or student learning.

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Google Extensions

I like using extensions when it seems prevalent. It is interesting that there is this major push for technological learning when there hasn't seem to be big results that it is beneficial. However, I use the extensions
joshua-albright Over 2 years ago

The extensions used: ad-block plus, screencastify, and bitmoji.

The extension I've enjoyed the most is Ad-block plus, in particular, when you present a YouTube video or want to read off of a website that is heavy in ads. It makes the browser experience 10 times better not having to deal with the ads. Videos start when you want and are never interrupted with ads.
Screencastify is like making personal videos for a student that is more of a visual learner. I've used Desmos, a graphing calculator website, and recording what I am doing step by step has helped students tremendously. Especially the ones that are virtual and you can't show them in person.
Bitmoji has been icing on the cake. It hasn't been anything helpful in math but it does add a personal tough of you when making assignments or things in Schoology. It humanizes you as a teacher to your students.
pedro-navarro Almost 3 years ago

Chrome Extensions are helpful

I use Loom, Screencastify, Bitmoji, Google Meet, Hangouts, and a few others but I think these are the ones I use almost every day.  
Hangouts -0 probably the one I use most. I absolutely love because If I am at the grocery store and forgot to send an email for something small and not official, I can just send a Hangout. Or if I don't have time or just need to chit chat for a second between classes, Hangout does the trick. 
Loom and Screencastify are pretty much the same thing both have Benes. Both get the message out to the virtual students. Plus my in class students will watch them also.  I think even if we do go back to a traditional in class model for the next year or after that both of these can be a life saver for Emergency and Substitute lesson plans. There will always be a reason to keep them on the extension list. 
Bitmoji - mixed feelings on this one. I use this one on a personal matter with my husband back and forth with text than I do at school. I rarely use this at school.  Maybe I'm old fashion but I think the last thing my students want to see is a cartoon character of my 60 year old face. But some of them are very cute.
Goggle Meet - Keeps me talking to my students who are virtual and I can almost feel like I'm in the same room with them.  I use this ext. every class and sometimes 2 are going at one time because I have stacked classes.  -- Now if I could just get Them to turn on Their cameras. 
julia-miller Almost 3 years ago

Google Chrome Extensions

I first became aware of Google Chrome Extensions many years ago when I found out about a YouTube ad blocker. Awesome! 
Since then, I have become familiar with many others that have actually impacted my teaching. Bitmoji has been really great this year for making all Google Classroom and Schoology content, as well as email interactions with students, more fun and welcoming. Screencastify was also a welcomed addition to my Chrome browser because it allowed me to make great videos at the beginning of the year explaining how to use various Google Classroom features, and then videos for Schoology once we transitioned. But my favorite extension this year has been Google Meet Attendance because it has been a HUGE time saver every single day of the year, allowing me to avoid taking attendance manually by automatically logging all student names as they enter the Google Meet.
james-garza Almost 3 years ago


Although my extensions are slim, I am learning right along with the parents and students, and teachers who are also learning how to use extensions as well. The extension I use the most as a full-time college student while working as a paraprofessional at an elementary school is Grammarly. I find that having experience in using this extension will help me better guide students in using it as well and it can also be a great opportunity to use it to teach students proper grammar and writing practices. Especially since we live in a digital age where students are relying more and more on online resources to correct their mistakes. With Grammarly, it can be used to teach them how to write proper essays, etc. for moments when online resources are not available. 
elm Almost 3 years ago

The benefits of using google extensions

I love using the Loom and Sreencastify extensions for recording my screen and creating videos for lessons and extra support with struggling students.  I have the confetti extension to celebrate those students in a very visual way.  Classlinkjelps me access all my apps in one place which is a blesssing.
mjs2020 Almost 3 years ago

Using google chrome extensions

The chrome google extensions are very helpful tools that make going to certain websites much easier and makes accessing them so much faster. I typically use screencastify and loom to record P.E workouts for our virtual kids. I also use bitmoji to create bitmojis for our bitmoji P.E classroom. 
janie-sauceda Almost 3 years ago

My use of chrome apps and/or extensions

The main chrome apps and/or extensions I use are those that speed up and streamline my lessons. Adblocks for sites and youtube means I don't waste time. My re enable google image extension means I can project and share images from the internet quicker than normal. I use an auto sleep function to save RAM on unused chrome tabs. And my google docs offline extension allows me to access my drive much faster.
jbonnin Almost 3 years ago

Using chrome apps helps in creating messages and videos.

I like using the chrome app for creating videos. It helped create an entertaining video for the Christmas program and it's now accessible any time.
I think that being able to access schoology and the assignments makes it easier for students both in-person and virtual. I enjoy creating assignments for the students that they can access on one device.
pollardh Almost 3 years ago


Google chrome extensions have practical tools for virtual learning and face to face isntruction. These extensions assist both teachers and students to stay connected in a creative way. The use of bitmoji, hangouts and many others are all useful towards collaborating and encouraging students to obtain a effective education. 
drios31230 About 3 years ago

Google Chrome Extensions

Google chrome extensions are useful tools for virtual learning. These extensions help both teachers and students to stay connected in a creative way. The use of bitmoji, screencastify, hangouts and many others are all useful towards communicating and helping students obtain a successful education. 
m1995 About 3 years ago

Chrome extension make everything so much easier!

Chrome extension make everything so much easier! I frequently use loom, screenshot, bitmoji, classlink  and many more chrome extensions. Having chrome extensions readily available makes creating lessons and activities for students that much easier. 
ksmith2783 About 3 years ago