James Garza


Google Chrome Extensions

  • May 12, 2021 at 8:56 PM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
I first became aware of Google Chrome Extensions many years ago when I found out about a YouTube ad blocker. Awesome! 
Since then, I have become familiar with many others that have actually impacted my teaching. Bitmoji has been really great this year for making all Google Classroom and Schoology content, as well as email interactions with students, more fun and welcoming. Screencastify was also a welcomed addition to my Chrome browser because it allowed me to make great videos at the beginning of the year explaining how to use various Google Classroom features, and then videos for Schoology once we transitioned. But my favorite extension this year has been Google Meet Attendance because it has been a HUGE time saver every single day of the year, allowing me to avoid taking attendance manually by automatically logging all student names as they enter the Google Meet.