Unit Organizer Routine (FI)

7. Engage with Coach

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  • Last updated July 29, 2020 at 8:52 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Tell us about your coaching feedback and follow up.
Tell us about your coaching feedback and follow up.

All posted evidence

Heron 2.4.19 Reflection on Feedback from Gillam from 1.14.19 / Floating UO: Phonemes in English

Feedback was provided by Diane Gillam noting that the Unit Relationships needed further explanation in the FLOATING of the UO. The recommendation was to include 'Characteristics' in the UO. My plan is to include this information when Tying Up the UO with participants. 
mlheron About 5 years ago

Virtual coaching session with Patty G

Today, Joan and I had a coaching session with Patty via Zoom. We pulled together our plan of action for between now and March where we will hold another coaching session. We got questions answered and feel like we are well on our way to earning our fidelity badges. After submitting a number of unit organizers, we feel we are at the point where we can record these for submission
bethanyw Over 5 years ago

PA P2G Feedback January 15, 2019

Thank you for the feed back.
* I Uploaded an expanded map on Trauma/Stress
* Yes - My partner and I each had a copy of the UO as we planned our trainings
* In the future, I will make a note to provide my partner's copy as evidence as well.  
* Connecting word: Define stress, understand reactions, identify types of stress, and create coping strategies; apply may be a better word.
* Yes, upon completion of the training, the participants will have the basic understanding of stress and begin to brainstorm supports.
 * Unit Relationships, you I identified compare
 * We included an activity 'I promise' cards that allowed time for the participants to make one promise of how that would address stress once they returned to their schools.
colleen_erwin Over 5 years ago

Submitted 2nd Unit Organizer DRAFT and Device Checklist for TDA on 12/14/2018

led2503 Over 5 years ago

All documents uploaded for first UO implementation on 12/14/18. Waiting for feedback.

led2503 Over 5 years ago

Phone Call with Patti 9/21/18

Phone call to discuss the status of work done so far
ebarry Over 5 years ago

P2G - Unit Organizer #1 PBIS Unit Organizer #2 Trauma and Stress

Submit for Initial Feedback on 12/6/2018:
  • UO DRAFT - PBIS and Trauma
  • UO Device Checklist - PBIS and Trauma
  • OU Revised and used routinely - go/win - PBIS and Trauma
  • Log - PBIS and Trauma
colleen_erwin Over 5 years ago

Discussion with Coach

I had a Zoom meeting on October 24, 2018 with Patricia Garner.  I have participated in 1st Fridays and Zoom SIM Coaching.  In addition I have attended the first 3 PD days in Harrisburg and am attending the next 2 days on Dec 4 and 5 2018.  
crystal8696 Over 5 years ago

UO Routine Implementation Checklist

kswartwood Over 5 years ago

Attached is the implementation checklist to support the video I'm sharing with you.

dverm3 Over 5 years ago

Engaging with a coach

I shared emails with my coach and she provided clarification on ways to use the UO.  I submitted my draft UO and checklist to my coach and received helpful feedback.  I incorporated the feedback into the UO and used it with a class.  My coach showed me how to use the UO for reviewing for a test.  I recorded my lesson and wrote a reflection.  My  coach reviewed my audios and provided feedback.  She helped me prepare for drafting my next UO and using it to launch a lesson.  I sent her my next UO draft and checklist.  She provided feedback and showed me how to improve my UO and to make concepts clearer for students. I used the revised UO to launch a lesson.  I recorded my lesson, wrote a reflection and received feedback.  The process has been enormously helpful to support my new learning.  Her encouragement has been invaluable to me gaining confidence and skills. 
ddp Over 5 years ago

Coaching ZOOM meeting with Diane

I engaged in a coaching ZOOM meeting with Diane and another colleague on October 25,2018.  The coaching session was very helpful.  We were reminded to make a revision on the SmartMoves Document whenever we do a new draft or have implemented a routine. Every time we do a draft, we get closer to earning a badge!
emcmanamon Over 5 years ago