Concept Comparison Routine (FI)

5. Submit Implementation Portfolio

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated July 28, 2020 at 9:43 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Describe: •Group/Student (size, level, student characteristics, etc.) •Length of implementation (days, weeks, months, amount of time per day, days per week, etc.) Include artifacts: •Your draft and final devices •Student devices without student names (HALO) •Post your implementation portfolio

All posted evidence

Attached is a portfolio of example student and teacher created comparison tables.

marinoda08 About 5 years ago

2 examples

coteach100 About 5 years ago

Teacher Copy of Concept Comparison Routine

abarbour About 5 years ago

Teacher Copy of Concept Comparison Routine

amywhittaker About 5 years ago

Student Copy of Concept Comparison Routine

abarbour About 5 years ago

Student Copy of Concept Comparison Routine

amywhittaker About 5 years ago

This is a link to my portfolio.

Google Docs

Portfolio Log for SIM

Directions This combines the portfolio and log requirement. The slides have cues. Feedback forms (Visual device check list and Implementation checklist should be posted in the google doc folder and included in this document Videos may be embedded Feel free to make this prettier with font or color...
mdonohue About 5 years ago

Implementation Portfolio TAC Team

The BLaST TAC Team is using the resource of Mindfulness for Teachers to create an online learning opportunity.  The team is very familiar with SW PBIS and we created a Comparison table to indicate the characteristics of each including like and unlike characteristics and categories, and summarized the difference.  We also constructed am extension activity that determined to to incorporate mindfulness techniques into a school already implementing and familiar with SW PBIS.  A ppt was created and instruction was offered to detail the process.  The team felt this concept could be used in a variety of ways especially after the initial example of IEP and 504 comparison table was shared with the team.  This team is strong on instructional strategies but definitely found how the comparison table could be incorporated to detail concepts and make clear the similarities and differences.  
kswartwood About 5 years ago

Concept Comparison Routine Implementation Portfolio

Group size: 2 adults, also in the process of becoming SIM-trained
Length: one session, about 30-35 minutes
Artifacts: Draft, final, and student examples attached
kdeery About 5 years ago

Description of class and implementation

My co-teacher and I taught this lesson with our 4th period class which consists of 22 students (16 boys, 6 girls).  Of these 22 students, 10 students have 504 Plans or IEPs.  This class is our 4th period, average inclusion English 7 class.  We were able to teach this lesson in one class period.  
amywhittaker About 5 years ago

Description of Class and Implementation

My co-teacher and I taught this with our 4th period English 7 average inclusion class which consists of 22 total students. In this class, we have 16 boys and 6 girls. There are 10 total students with either an IEP or a 504 plan. We were able to teach this lesson in one class period. 
abarbour About 5 years ago

Collaborative class setting

This class is composed of 17 boys and 10 girls.  There are 2 students with 504's and 15 with IEP's, 4 of which are ELL and 1 is a PBS student.  There are a lot of characters in here and testosterone runs high.  Two boys in particular try to set the tone with controversy and disruption daily.  Most were very well behaved only because of the video!  haha.  Maybe we need to record our classes more often.  We usually test with a class average of 55-60%.  There are some higher- level students but not enough to offset.  This is our first implementation for this concept though we have used the LINCing and Framing routine at least once per nine weeks.
lyoung About 5 years ago