Kelly Swartwood

5. Submit Implementation Portfolio

Implementation Portfolio TAC Team

  • March 25, 2019 at 10:43 AM
  • Visible to public
The BLaST TAC Team is using the resource of Mindfulness for Teachers to create an online learning opportunity.  The team is very familiar with SW PBIS and we created a Comparison table to indicate the characteristics of each including like and unlike characteristics and categories, and summarized the difference.  We also constructed am extension activity that determined to to incorporate mindfulness techniques into a school already implementing and familiar with SW PBIS.  A ppt was created and instruction was offered to detail the process.  The team felt this concept could be used in a variety of ways especially after the initial example of IEP and 504 comparison table was shared with the team.  This team is strong on instructional strategies but definitely found how the comparison table could be incorporated to detail concepts and make clear the similarities and differences.