Mongoid Public

Team Badge List

Badge holders have demonstrated a working understanding of the Mongoid gem.

Required Evidence


Solve this learning challenge by posting code snippets. More Info

Learning Resources

Share the learning resources which were the most useful to you during your process. More Info

Badge Overview


Before getting started, it's good to know a bit about MongoDB and how NoSQL data stores differ from standard relational databases. Google around a bit if you need a refresher. To be honest, though, you don't need to have a super in depth understanding of every little facet of MongoDB itself in order to be successful with Mongoid. (You'll end up learning most of what you need just from studying up on Mongoid.)

How to earn this badge

  1. Learn about the Mongoid gem. Refer to #Learning-Resources to get started.
  2. Solve the #Challenge
  3. Post the resources which were helpful in your own learning journey back to #Learning-Resources
  4. Request feedback

Badge Experts


Christophe Alain Pagnusatt Rochester


Badge awarded on 8/5/19

Quentin Guillaume


Badge awarded on 1/18/19

Badge Learners