Vocabulary LINCing Routine (PL)

1. Date and Reflection

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  • Last updated July 29, 2020 at 9:02 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
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Vocabulary Lincing

I attended a training on 12/4-5/2018 that covered the Vocabulary LINCING Routine.  In additional to professional development, we participated to collaboration with colleagues on creating our own Lincing routines. I feel this is a great strategy to use to teach/expand vocabulary for appropriate students.
side Over 5 years ago


I participated in the P2G SIM in PA presentation on 12/4/18. Understanding that the work must make sense to the students (not the teacher) is critical!  The images are particularly helpful for my learning style.
jlyster Over 5 years ago

12-4-18 Patty and Diane worked with us

Received professional learning during 12/4/18 session at PaTTAN Harrisburg
laura-lamont Over 5 years ago

Date: 12-4-2018

Reflection: The vocabulary LINCing routine is very similar to a Frayer Model in the sense that you are categorizing the ideas.  The LINCing routine takes it a step further by asking the participant to create their own keywords and phrases to tie in with the vocabulary word, draw a picture, and then create a sentence that is similar to their picture and keywords. 
karissalookingb Over 5 years ago

Attended Training

Attended training for professional development opportunities at PaTTAN Harrisburg on December 4-5, 2018 to learn more about SIM practices of routines and strategies. 
heathers Over 5 years ago

Attended 12/4/18 PD PATTAN Harrisburg

btl Over 5 years ago


I attended the conference in Harrisburg and will continue working on my badges in this area
coteach100 Over 5 years ago

Participated in PD sessions on Dec 4 and Dec 5 at PaTTAN Harrisburg.

Participated in PD sessions on Dec 4 and Dec 5 at PaTTAN Harrisburg. 
Vocabulary lincing is a strategy that helps students remember vocabulary words by lincing the new term with auditory (what the word sounds like) and visual (picture) clues. 
melissaklug Over 5 years ago

Professional Development

Participated in professional development for the Vocabulary LINCing Routine on December 4, 2018 at PaTTAN Harrisburg.
karinpilarski Over 5 years ago

Link for The LINCS Table

Vocabulary Routine

The Vocabulary Routine will be beneficial for students at all three tiers of the MTSS Process.
snussbaum Over 5 years ago

PA P2G 12/4/18

1. LINCS table: Terms for students to learn
2. Vocabulary LINCing routine checklist
3. Vocabulary LINCing Routine Device Checklist
4. Cue, do, review

Our group completed a LINCing activity:
1. Term: coaching
2. Definition: support in learning
3. Reminding term: Couch
4. Story: I like to learn while sitting on the couch. 
5. Drawing:
kirsten-deroche Over 5 years ago