Vocabulary LINCing Routine (PL)

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  • Last updated July 29, 2020 at 9:02 AM
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12.4-5.18 Session / Harrisburg PaTTAN

LINCs Tables support students to learn and remember complex terms or vocabulary. Reminding words are used as acoustic links to the target term / vocabulary. 
mlheron Over 5 years ago

Completed PL on Dec. 5, 2017 at Burns Middle School in Lawndale, NC

LINCS is an excellent strategy to use with ALL students across ALL content areas. 
martyerskine Over 5 years ago


The Vocabulary LINCing Routine is a combination of two tools (auditory memory devices and visual memory devices)  used to help students learn and remember the meaning of complex terms.  The routine utilizes a chart divided into five steps that include writing the term, writing the definition, coming up with a reminding word, creating a LINCing story, and, finally, creating a LINCing picture as a visual way to connect to and remember the word.

I have used a similar strategy with middle school students many years ago as a classroom teacher and I found it to be very beneficial for students.  They enjoyed playing with words and this strategy allowed them to be more comfortable in devising ways that make sense for them to remember and use new words authentically.  I am looking forward to sharing this strategy with others who are looking for ways to increase engagement and facility with their students.
kdeery Over 5 years ago

SIM for PA P2G

The Vocabulary LINCing Routine is "designed to facilitate student use of two powerful tools that will help them learn and remember the meaning of complex terms. These tools are referred to as 'auditory memory devices' and 'visual memory devices'" (p. 2 of manual). 

After teaching students various vocabulary routines, I'm looking forward to using this one as it provides a connection for students as they think of the story, a picture and using a student-friendly definition. Years ago, I taught SAT vocabulary, and I wish I would have had this tool and routine.

LINCS encompasses five steps:

1. List the parts
2. Indicate a Reminding Word
3. Note a LINCing Story
4. Create a LINCing Picture
5. Self-test
laura-moran Over 5 years ago


I learned about Vocabulary LINCing on Dec 4, 2018 at Pattan Harrisburg.  I really like this routine and believe that it will be useful to teach other teachers and my own students.  
crystal8696 Over 5 years ago

SIM for P2G - December 4, 2018

The Vocabulary Lincing Routine encourages students to use two tools in order to remember a word:  visual memory devices and auditory memory devices.  They connect a similar sounding word (reminding word), create a story to help remember the term using the reminding word and draw a picture of the story.  The actual definition - a student friendly definition is also used in the table.
abella Over 5 years ago

Completed two days of training with Patty and Diane @ PaTTAN Harrisburg 12/4-5/2018

bethanyw Over 5 years ago

12/5/18 and 12/6/18

This routine will be very helpful as I consult not only to P2G teams, but also as a literacy consultant. This can be easily generalized and will make a great tool in a student's toolbox (*and a teacher's).
jalicandri Over 5 years ago


Participated in the learning activities for the vocabulary LINCing routine and learned from the presentation.
jrfineberg Over 5 years ago


Dec 4 and 5 2018
I know the LINCS Table is going to help English Learners.  The reminding term, the picture, the story, and definition is like using the Language Approach Chart to teaching ESL students. This allows students to tap into their background knowledge and use all language domains (listening, speaking, reading, and writing)
dvaz67 Over 5 years ago

I attended this training on 12/4/18 at PaTTAN - Harrisburg, PA

The Vocabulary Lincing Routine is a strategy designed to help students better understand and recall selected vocabulary words.  The Lincing Routine uses the LINCS Steps and Graphic Devise to guide students through developing a deeper understanding of a word.  This graphic devise can then be used for review and practice of the vocabulary word during lessons and in preparation for an assessment.  In the first step, the students List the word and a brief definition.  In the second step, students Identify a word they already know that sounds like part or all of the new word.  This word will be their "reminder word."  In step three, students think and make Note of a story that link the reminder word to the actual word.  In step four, the students Create a picture to go with the linking story and then in step five the teacher Supervises student practice of the word(s). This strategy creates a fun and engaging way to help student learn and remember important vocabulary words. 
kristin-lentz Over 5 years ago

P2G SIM Training

Trained by Patty Graner and Diane Gillam

I like the clear steps in the Vocabulary LINCing routine and I am anxious to see it work with students.   I like that this routine provides a good way for teachers to support students in learning Tier 3 words that they will not encounter frequently.  I think that it could alleviate frustration for students and teachers as they will have a process to memorize words rather than just praying that they remember and cramming the night before a test.  It seems like it will be a routine with good "staying power".
smontgomery Over 5 years ago