2016 Participant: SIM Content Teaching Academy

Engage actively in activities in all sessions.

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  • Last updated June 15, 2016 at 11:31 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
By June 30, write 2-3 key points that respond to the Unit Organizer self test questions and add one new self-test question that still needs an answer.

All posted evidence

Completed 06/29/2016

Unit Organizer for Academy 2016 discussed 06/27/16; overview again 06/29/16; work session with PCMS 06/29/16

My independent responses to questions on the Unit Organizer:
1. How do we sustain the focus of professional learning on teaching practices and student learning to increase literacy? Have continued professional development throughout the implementation; access to representatives either in person, phone, or email to answer questions or give suggestions/advice as I implement the strategies or routines.

2.How do we transform data to become meaningful to improve instruction?

Let the data guide your instruction.  Not just the numbers, but the strengths as well as weaknesses.  Pair students with other students that might need further help in an area/skill.

3.What are the keys for fidelity of implementation with SIM? 
SIM routines and strategies have to utilized on a regular basis.  Daily is best, but there must be ample, consistent time to acquire the skills that help to show mastery of that skill or increase their ability levels.

Self-Question to Answer:
How do we continually motivate students throughout the unit/lesson/strategy to help them understand the advantages to the unit organizers, routines, and strategies?

Page County Middle School Work Session Group Responses to Course Organizer and Unit Organizers:
kittykat242 Almost 8 years ago

Actively engaged in all sessions (June 27-29, 2016) at SIM Academy

Unit Self-Test Question #3:  What are the keys for fidelity of implementation with SIM?
  • open and continuous communication with colleagues, administrators, and SIM instructors
  • use CERs accurately (and know when to use which routines)
  • be open to feedback
  • ongoing self-reflection
Add one new Self-Test Question:
  • How do teachers add to their "tool belt" with additional CERs and LSs?  What does the ongoing process look like?  (Do we continue to attend SIM Academy sessions?  Can we get one-on-one instruction in just one CER?  etc.)
cfmorris Almost 8 years ago

Key points and new question

Key Points: How do we sustain the focus of professional learning on teaching practices and student learning to increase literacy?
- By using the routines provided through professional development opportunities with fidelity in the classroom.
- Community outreach and planning with colleges both in and out of the physical building (through email, phone calls, etc..) 

New Question: 

- What does the relationship between teachers and students look like when using the SIM routines in the classroom? What does it look like to be done effectively? 
lhopkins Almost 8 years ago

3 key points plus my question

  1. We sustain the focus of professional learning on teaching practices and student learning to increase literacy through the SMARTER Instructional Cycle. Using SMARTER helps teachers plan with a purpose, teach, and assess the effectiveness of their instructional delivery by analyzing student achievement data. The 3 I’s of Coaching will assist in identifying areas of concern, setting goals, determining strategies to improve the area, and assessing the new data. The tools used to reflect and assess instruction keeps the process student and learning centered.
  2. We transform data to become meaningful to improve instruction by constantly assessing the data by evaluating mastery and revisiting outcomes in the SMARTER process. During this process coaches provide input, we self-reflect, have students reflect, and use the feedback from all involved to make adjustments to improve instruction. This develops a community of learners that aid in student learning. This allows students to take ownership of their learning.
  3. The keys to implement SIM with fidelity are using the SMARTER Instructional Cycle, collaboration between the coach and teacher, help the whole child (achievement, behavior, and attitude), use the evaluative tools (videos, checklists, feedback, etc.), provide a common language and routines, and use the process as a growth model to get staff and students to perform higher.
  4. What are the first steps a school should take in order to begin the planning and implementation process of SIM?
thomasst Almost 8 years ago

Keys and New Question

The keys for fidelity of implementation include:
- regular coaching
- consistent and correct use of content enhancement routines
- walk thru with feedback

How do SIM CERs address the needs of advanced learners?
cbecchi Almost 8 years ago

implement organizers effectively and correctly based on SIM standards utilize the expanded unit map

implement organizers effectively and correctly based on SIM standards

utilize the expanded unit map as a content enhancement routine and instructional strategies to help students organize and synthesize information
blairprice Almost 8 years ago

I actively engaged in all activities in all sessions

ckbrunk Almost 8 years ago

Key Points (Question 3) and New Question

Fidelity is the
  • consistent and accurate use of the CER or LS
  • participation in the coaching process for professional learning
  • selection of the proper routine or strategy for the content
New Question: 
  • How does the collaboration relationships between administrator and teacher effect the instructional process with SIM?
ayankey Almost 8 years ago

I was engaged in all activities.

khogsten Almost 8 years ago

Led "Speed Dating" Q & A welcoming session

ebenson Almost 8 years ago