Courtney Fenner

Portfolio of Implementation.


  • April 11, 2022 at 8:02 AM
  • Visible to public
  1. Describe the group or student (size of group, level, student characteristics, etc.)
I had two colleagues participate as students.

Describe the length of implementation (weeks or months, amount of time per day, days per week)
We did lesson #4 in approximately 15 minutes

Submit student progress chart(s) without student names.
All student artifacts are uploaded; there is no ongoing progress chart at this time

Submit a narrative log of your implementation experiences (what went well and/or poorly, adjustments made if necessary, ideas generated for issues encountered,  and impact.)
There are several parts to this learning strategy and I relied on my book to help guide me through the components to ensure I did not miss a part. As I become more familiar with the strategy with practice I am sure it will happen more fluidly. I do imagine for some students they may require a good deal of support with the process and perhaps more opportunities for "I do, we do" before we can do independent practice.

Submit a narrative describing coaching, feedback, and follow up, identifying your coach.
I will contact Diane for feedback and coaching.