LINCS Vocabulary Strategy (SP)

2. Teach the Strategy with Fidelity

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  • Last updated August 31, 2022 at 7:41 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
Teach the strategy in its entirety to a person or class, following the instructional steps in the manual (*may link to Fidelity of Implementation (FI) evidence if you've already earned this badge).

All posted evidence

Reading Intervention Class

I taught the strategy to students in a reading intervention class.  We started with 2 classes, but due to conflicts continued with 2 students.
ksadler About 5 years ago

Taught one-on-one

I worked with a college sophomore to teach LINCS Learning Strategy. We met together on April 27 and 28. 
lisacoats Almost 6 years ago

I taught the LINCS Vocabulary Strategy to a 10th grade student in a one-on-one setting.

We met approximately 1-2 times per week across two months, with each session lasting about 40 minutes.
gmoore Almost 6 years ago

I taught the LINCS strategy to one high school sophomore in a series of one-on-one sessions.

mhowie Almost 6 years ago

I taught the LINCS Strategy to one 4th grader. He is in all gen ed classes.

rstallings Almost 7 years ago

I used LINCS for small-group remediation Friday, Sept. 23, 2016.

My co-teacher and I used the alternative/parallel teaching method for targeted enrichment or remediation on narrative elements and skills based on formative assessment data.Terms used: plot, conflict, climax, and a fourth term based on student need/choice; in one block, students chose "exposition." In the other block, the term selected was "resolution."
We co-constructed the LINCS tables, and students paired up to use the backwards and forwards self-study step, Students then independently applied their knowledge to a new story ("cold read") and the successful completion of a plot map. 
cleague Over 7 years ago