Janeen Goben

2. Compile a Portfolio

Implementation Paragraph

  • March 8, 2022 at 5:30 AM
  • Visible to public
Using SIM strategies and routines in my current position has been a welcome addition to my regular planning time. Now that I have these tools I use them to highlight the most important information in my current course. The Unit Organizer and Lesson organizer are especially helpful to me with book studies. When my participants are using them they are easily able to find the critical content so that they are able to truly KNOW what I am looking for them to take away from the course. My participants keep a copy in their classroom so that they are able apply the content in their classrooms. Now that I am using these strategies I feel confident that my participants are delivering higher quality instruction to their students. Simply having them know, understand, and deliver on what they learned in my course has shown higher student impact data as compared to previous courses where I did not use these tools.