Learning Resources

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  • Last updated November 26, 2019 at 5:38 PM by cpr
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
Share links to all of the gRPC learning resources which were valuable to you.
Note, Knova will be using the latest version of protobufs with gRPC, the latest version is called proto3.

Here are some links to get you started:

All posted evidence

Video on Protobufs, follows up from earlier posted video


Protocol Buffers in gRPC

Learn why Protocol Buffers is a cornerstone in gRPC, how it works to define Messages and Service!If you want to learn more:
bgc89 Over 3 years ago

Python gRPC quick start and basics tutorial. I found setup in "QuickStart" and the coverage of protos in the basics to be very useful.



A high-performance, open source universal RPC framework
bgc89 Over 3 years ago

Really good code lab for gRPC and Node.


Building a gRPC service with Node.js

gRPC is a language-neutral, platform-neutral remote procedure call (RPC) framework and toolset developed at Google. It lets you define a service using Protocol Buffers, a particularly powerful binary serialization toolset and language. It then lets you generate idiomatic client and server stubs from your service definition in a variety of languages.
sdcaulley Almost 4 years ago

I found this to be a great introduction to gRPC.


gRPC Introduction

Learn about gRPC, the most popular framework that allows you to build microservices! If you want to learn more:
sdcaulley Almost 4 years ago

This is a link to the grpc guide. This one was great start.



This document introduces you to gRPC and protocol buffers. gRPC can use protocol buffers as both its Interface Definition Language ( IDL) and as its underlying message interchange format. If you're new to gRPC and/or protocol buffers, read this! If you just want to dive in and see gRPC in action first, see our Quick Starts.
bridgerz Almost 4 years ago

This is a link to the basic node grpc tutorial.


gRPC Basics - Node.js

This tutorial provides a basic Node.js programmer's introduction to working with gRPC. By walking through this example you'll learn how to: Define a service in a .proto file. Use the Node.js gRPC API to write a simple client and server for your service. It assumes that you have read the Overview and are familiar with protocol buffers.
bridgerz Almost 4 years ago

A simple explanation of why gRPC with an example.


Building Micro-services using gRPC on Ruby

Today, REST with JSON is the most popular framework amongst web developers for network communication. But, it is not very suitable for a micro-services architecture mainly because of latency added by JSON data transmission / serializing / deserializing. My quest for finding an optimal network communication framework for micro-services brought me to gRPC.
sunithabl Over 4 years ago