Digital Whiteboards

What is a Digital Whiteboard?

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  • Last updated April 28, 2021 at 10:33 AM by lee-ferenc
  • Evidence only visible to badge awarders
Learn the basics of digital whiteboards

Part 1: Overview

Digital Whiteboards are also known as electronic whiteboards where you swap out the marker for a stylus, finger or mouse. Today’s digital whiteboards are cloud-based, providing a virtual space for classrooms, students, teachers or teams to brainstorm and organize ideas. Participants can make contributions simultaneously, giving everyone a voice without the physical space limitations.  

Part 2: Individual vs Collaborative

Teachers can leverage whiteboards as individual places for them to demonstrate concepts while performing a lesson. Teachers can assign to students as tool to demonstrate understanding as a blank canvas or pre-designed template. 
Teachers can assign to a group of students to collaborate simultaneously.

Part 3: Digital Whiteboard Tools

Explore the list of tools that can be utilized for Digital Whiteboards below that can be utilized.  Explore a few tools and express your first impressions below after you visit a few choices.

Part 4: Evidence

Do you have any experience using a digital whiteboard to instruct or collaborate with others?  Which tools from the list did you click on and decided to explore?