Calendar Crack Shot Public


Good job keeping your schedule in order.

Required Evidence

Create an event

Go to your calendar and create a new event called "Badge with Daniel" on any date/time. Change the color of the event to bold red. Take a screenshot and upload it here as evidence. More Info

"Find a Time" tool

Open the event you just created. Using the "Find a Time" tool, add Daniel to the guest list and find a date/time that his calendar is open. Change the event to that date/time. Save your changes and be sure to send the invitation. As evidence, describe why this could be a useful tool. More Info


Go into your Calendar settings and change the "Week starts on:" to MONDAY. Save your changes. Take a screenshot of the new week view and post it here as evidence. (You can change it back to Sunday after that!) More Info

Event Attachment

Go back to the red event to which you invited Daniel. Open the event and attach a file from your Drive that isn't private. As evidence, please explain why attaching a file to an event might be a good idea. More Info

Badge Experts

Badge Learners