#BookSnaps Beginner Public


Explore #BooksSnaps & all the possibilities they open up by engaging students in text.

Required Evidence

Explore & Explain what #BookSnaps are

Check out these resources to learn what a #BookSnap is & how to create one. For evidence, fully explain #BookSnaps as best you can. http://www.tarammartin.com/resources/booksnaps-how-to-videos/ http://daveburgess.com/booksnaps/ https://iteachwithipads.net/2017/09/13/snap-to-it-with-booksnaps/ More Info

Playing around with #BookSnaps

Grab some text and create a booksnap. Make sure you've somehow indicated the text you want to focus on, an emoji, and a written reaction to the text. Screenshot and upload your work. More Info

#BookSnaps with Audio

Create another booksnap. (Hone in on specific text from the passage, add an emoji, add text just like your first booksnap.) Now add audio summarizing your key take aways. More Info

#BookSnaps with Students?

Give a couple of examples of how you could use booksnaps with your students. What would you have them focus their booksnaps on? More Info

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