Wilma Brookman

Engage actively in activities in all sessions.

I am responding to 3 key points to the self-test questions and adding one new self-test question that needs an answer in the below 'body'.

  • June 30, 2016 at 1:33 PM
  • Last updated almost 8 years ago
  • Visible to public
1.    How do we sustain the focus of professional learning on teaching practices and student learning to increase literacy?   Sustaining the focus of professional learning on teaching practices and student learning can be achieved by providing time for professional learning communities to meet to review the implementation, troubleshoot issues, be involved in coaching follow-up and discuss student outcomes.                         
2.      How do we transform data to become meaningful to improve instruction? In order to transform data that is actionable, teachers can set success criteria for student learning.  In doing so, students can set goals based on where they are in the process, where they need to be in the end and how they are going to get there.  Reviewing student progress towards their goals helps provide students with a path to success.  
What are the keys for fidelity of implementation with SIM? Keys to fidelity are through self-monitoring by using checklists provided and reviewing the teacher's manual, being coached by SIM personal, having discussions in  PLCs that are revolved around the implementation and the effect you are having on student outcomes.

Here is my question:
Can you tell me some scenarios where Division Literacy Specialists have worked with select students to implement routines and/or strategies?  I would like to do this, but am unsure if it would be 'do-able' in my position.  Thanks.