Vickie Baker

Engage actively in activities in all sessions.

Evidence of Active Engagement

  • June 30, 2016 at 5:44 AM
  • Visible to public
1. How do we sustain the focus of professional learning on teaching practices and student learning to increase literacy?
Have a Professional Learning Plan, coaching and sharing of student work samples of what is being implemented in the classroom

2.How do we transform data to become meaningful to improve instruction?
If students are not making the score you need to look at your teaching.  Working with progress monitoring tools. Teachers video taping themselves to better their instructional practices, routines, and strategies.

3. What are the keys for fidelity of implementation with SIM? Following the plan and making revisions as needed.  Implementing the routines and strategies as instructed.  Self reflection videos.

Additional self-test Question:
How will Orange County grow the use of SIM throughout this school year to help all students achieve?