Honora Pollard

Examples of Leadership

Assisting students in going to FA site

  • February 24, 2022 at 9:51 AM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
While I thought learning technology was a singular experience for me, I find something new every day...or at least I try.
This week, I had my FA rotation classes use their I-Pads in Fine Arts. I had created some folders for each month or topic with activities in each folder. The classes went to schoology and I assisted in finding/recognizing the maroon toolbar at the top of the page. I was amazed at how these same kids who can download a video game didn't know terms like toolbar, dropdown or icon.
Once they got to the window with the maroon toolbar, we located the toolbar. (I know.. that's so easy right? Nope...)
Then I had them locate the bell icon on the toolbar. I kept hearing "A what?"... Once they located the bell, thumbs up for finding it, I had them single click on it.
I told to look in the dropdown window and find the word 'Notifications' that was highlighted in blue. I used a student's I-Pad to demonstrate where to find it. I said it was highlighted, or in a color box, and that right next to it was 'Requests.' Some had a problem or two locating it but we finally got there. Told them to click on Request and they noticed it turned blue. We were in the right spot! YAY!
I had them look at the dropdown and asked if they saw the icon with the green and blue stripes. They did and then they clicked on accept. We went back to the toolbar, looked for the 'U' on the left side, located and clicked on 'Groups.' They were able to locate the FA Group and clicked to enter site. 
I am learning to address language changes they make, adjust where they find the group and help them join by adding a code. I love learning this and helping my students become more aware of the world around them using this device. AMAZING!