Pedro Navarro

Why Chrome

Three reasons why I use Google Chrome as my default browser.

  • May 14, 2021 at 10:47 AM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
  1. The main reason that I use Google Chrome is because I am most familiar with it. I've used it since I was in High School and it's been tied to my personal Google Account since then. If I ever forget a login or, if the website allows, want to quickly log in with my Google Account, it is all saved in Google Chrome for me.
  2. Another great feature I like are the add ons. Screencastify has helped me make quick videos for students having trouble solving something or needing help how to navigate a page or schoology.
  3. The settings and important links are all in one place, simple to find, and easy to use. I've almost never have to asked help where something is in chrome because they are all in one convinient. Everything is tied with your chrome account and just makes ease of use better.