Inference Strategy (SP)

7. Describe your Coaching

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  • Last updated August 31, 2022 at 7:39 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Submit a description of your coaching with the instructor before and after implementation. What were the successes? What were the challenges? How did the two of you problem solve issues? What Adjustments did you make?
Submit a description of your coaching with the instructor.
• What were the successes?
• What were the challenges?
• How did the two of you problem solve issues?
• What Adjustments did you make?

All posted evidence

Aug. 5 PD Provided by KU

Inference- August 5, 12:30-3:30 Mountain Time 
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 939 5422 7175 Passcode: 1111   
dee-lcps About 2 years ago

Shelby Kelchen- Describe your instruction.

skelchen Almost 3 years ago

I prepare a Google Slide Presentation, copies, and create materials that can be used in the classroom to give away as door prizes.

I believe the biggest success for me was that I was able to spend several years in a co-taught setting observing another teacher deliver the SIM strategies. I was able to listen to her instruction, which helped lay foundational understandings and familiarity with SIM, as well as the strategies.
Before instructing others, I spend a day preparing the powerpoint, creating materials that can be given away as door prizes, making copies and organizing the materials. I spend the greatest amount of time reviewing each slide and writing notes about what I would like to say in reference to that slide. I want to be sure to incorporate all of the information without reading the slide verbatim or writing all of the information on the slide.
While presenting the strategy, I try to make it as interactive as possible by modeling how I would deliver the instruction to a classroom full of my own students. I also provide them with useful ideas and suggestions that worked for me through my own trial and error. Based on the feedback, the instructors feel that this is very helpful and has helped them feel more at ease with the delivery of their own instruction.
I believe the greatest challenge that I have faced is time. I must be extremely mindful of the time while delivering the instruction or I will inevitably run and not deliver all of the necessary content. I have gone back and revisited my delivery to determine what I can change or how I can tweak my delivery, which has helped considerably.
tonya-hanks About 6 years ago

Shared an ActiveBoard flip chart to teach Inference Strategy to students. Provided all handouts to teachers. Was available for coaching.

pvcp4 Over 8 years ago

How I work with a large group of teachers for instructional purposes.

I try to be a little more relaxed in my approach when I am teaching anything.  I am not rigid in following anything word-for-word, but I want to be sure to include all necessary areas.

Before I actually train someone, I go through all the materials and highlight what I think are the most important parts of the materials to be covered.  I often also take notes so that I have written it and it is fresh in my mind.

When I am presenting, I like to keep those materials in front of me, but I provide the training in a more conversational manner.  I can flip through my highlights and notes to be sure I don't forgot to include something, but I don't want to appear to be following it so closely that the presentation seems canned.

I love to model what I'm doing and get participants to help out with remembering what should be done.  I try to look for ways to include everyone in a "safe" way so they don't feel that I have put them on the spot.  I have an IPEVO so I can model what I'm doing on paper and they can follow along.
jamosher Over 8 years ago