Stephanie Samples

3. Portfolio of Implementation


  • May 6, 2019 at 11:25 AM
  • Visible to public
There were 5 students in my group. Students are all eligible for special education under classifications of a Specific Learning Disability or Other Health Impairment with weaknesses noted in writing and reading. The strategy began in January 2019 and concluded in May 2019. During a typical week we spent 30 minutes per day 3 times per week. 

The experience with implementing fundamentals was positive. The students had a positive outlook on their writing progress and I enjoyed teaching the students and following their progress. I do not think with this group of students and the limited time I was given to teach the strategy I would have changed anything within the group. I would in the future like to have more consistency of days and allotted time, just for more of a routine with instruction. In speaking with the students at the conclusion, it was overall felt their writing has shown improvement. I can concur with this as students are more fluent with identifying the parts of their sentences.

Susan was an excellent coach. She provided coaching in person, via phone and email. She had great feedback and worked with me to tailor my instruction to meet the needs of my students and the time constraints I had during some weeks.