Adriana "Adri" Kipp

3. Portfolio of Implementation

Learning Strategies Implementation Log:

  • May 8, 2018 at 11:01 AM
  • Visible to public

Setting: Odell Elementary; small group resource classroom. Characteristics of student: 4th grader, Eligibility in Exceptional Children Program~Other Health Impaired (OHI). Student's age 10 years old, academic levels include writing skills in first grade, math skills in 3rd grade, and reading skills in first grade. Student has much more to express than what he can write. Furthermore, his legibility is very difficult to read. Student have attentional deficits which significantly impact his academics across all settings. He also has low self-esteem and his General Education Teachers can be at risk to under-challenge him because of his writing. This student was chosen because he had a drastic difference verbal comprehension than in written expression and is a smart student. He has the cognitive ability to be challenged with grade level curriculum by  an auditory pathway but does need specialized instruction in the resource classroom.The student was in the Fundamentals in the Sentence Writing program from August 2017-May 2018. He had small group instruction for 4 days @ 30 minutes.