Your thoughts on Micro-credentialing and SIM


  • July 16, 2015 at 6:47 AM
  • Visible to public
I think the possibilities are endless - hope that is not because I have so many questions and the answers will not limit those possibilities. I am a director of student services in a small (3,500 students) district in Wisconsin. I have been slowly training special teachers who work with students in grades 4 - 12. I see micro-credentials fitting nicely with our district's teacher compensation model as well as allowing these motivated teachers to show off what their improved practice and opportunity to support their colleagues.

Our state (Wisconsin) has moved away from lanes and columns for determining compensation (years of experience and number of credits) to a district decision. Our focus is going to be on professional development outside the contract day that impacts student growth. I think the micro-credential could support my pd as well as teachers being rewarded for the work they do. The challenge for me will be to create the criteria that supports teacher understanding and ability to show evidence of practice change.