Sean Strickland

5. Describe Their Implementation

Phone conversation with participant

  • April 27, 2018 at 5:57 AM
  • Visible to public
I spoke with A.D. on her implementation of the unit organizer routine over the last quarter and an half.  She replied that she has been using the device regularly and has completed 4 of them at this time.  There has been an increase in engagement from her students since she has begun using the device.  It has also helped her with her own pacing and schedule as she has started to use the routine.

The devices are becoming much easier to put together as she has built them and she was excited to say that other teachers have seen her use the device and are interested in also attending training.  We did discuss the challenge of remembering to do the Cue-Do-Review in its entirety, she remarked that she has forgotten to Cue on occasion and the time crunch at the end to Review was difficult.  I suggested placing reminders in the back of the room that she could see to help her remind herself of the process.

We wrapped up the conversation around her data piece, she is planning on using her students final exams in comparison to their midterms as her Student Outcome and believes it will be successful.  She definitely plans on continuing with SIM next year and is eager to attend more training over the summer to further her knowledge and gain another routine or two.