Leslie M Murphy Brown

5. Describe Their Implementation


  • January 18, 2019 at 7:26 AM
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Devonna began implementation with her students and saw the benefits she was looking for. (She even had some students who created their unit organizers electronically since the school division was a one-to-one division.) Unfortunately, after co-constructing two unit organizers with her students, her department head became worried this would be an expectation for the entire department and "strongly encouraged" the principal to have Devonna stop using this tool. Being new to the school and not wanting to jeopardize her place on staff, Devonna did stop implementing unit organizer; this was the major challenge we faced together. Due to this and the climate of the school, we did stop working on future organizers and I did discontinue my coaching with her in that setting. Devonna did state she enjoyed using the unit organizer and hoped to return to using them in the future.