Andra Bell

7. Engage with Coach

Phone call with Coaching Team on 8/23/18

  • October 28, 2018 at 12:36 PM
  • Visible to public
Our team talked virtually regarding our UO we were developing to use for the year long PLC for the P2G Coaches working with Phase One schools.  We initially thought we would create on UO for each face to face training (3 total) but after talking with Patty and Diane, realized we could do one for the year that encompassed the content covered in each of the 3 trainings.  We talked about the pros/cons to both ways of creating the UO and decided to revise it with this advice in mind.  Our first one I posted is before our phone call and the second link is the revised verision.

We also talked a lot about the unit relationships and development of the questions so we could flesh out the rest of the sections.  You'll see that progress in the second draft as well.

We will be introducing the UO on November 8 and 9.  Thanks for your time and advice.