Andra Bell

5. Describe Their Implementation


  • July 20, 2020 at 12:16 PM
  • Visible to public
The class consisted of 60-70 participants and was presented by virtually in a zoom meeting.  The students had access to the Frame and were able to complete while the instructor guided and talked through the topic and key details.  The successes were the ability to engage through the chat feature and the instructor also utilized breakout rooms for participants to discuss in small groups and report back to the larger group.  This worked well.  The challenges were the pacing with the virtual format - there is a delay, so wait time seems longer than normal.  It was planned ahead of time to provide access to the materials prior to the training so people would be ready to engage with the Frame.  Breakout rooms were planned so people could talk with colleagues in smaller groups and all could be active with the frame.  The instructor could go into these breakout rooms while small groups worked.