Framing Routine (SP)

5. Describe Their Implementation

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  • Last updated August 30, 2022 at 12:15 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
Describe implementation in the instructor's class with student(s) What were the successes? What were the challenges? How did the two of you problem solve the issues? What adjustments did you make?

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Implementation of Instruction

I worked with Morri Pace in a 3 year cohort. I attended multiple professional development sessions, and participated in monthly coaching sessions.  I taught lessons using FRAME (as well as other content enhancement routines) to both self contained special education classes and larger general education classes that consisted of students of all levels from the gifted learner to special education students as well as to English language learners.  I video taped several of these implementation sessions and participated in group reflections with my cohort, my PLC and my mentor.  The biggest challenge was in the initial planning stage to be sure that the content of the FRAME was streamlined enough for the challenged learner and interesting enough for the gifted learner.  I am very excited about using and sharing FRAME because every time I have used it, I found that students were always actively involved in co-constructing and seemed to enjoy it. I also found that whatever lesson I taught using FRAME, the students did better on assessments, scoring higher on tests and quizzes which indicated a greater retention and understanding of the concepts.  I also found that fellow teachers appreciated this more than other Professional Development.
joanne Over 6 years ago

I've implemented the Frame Routine in various classes. Adaptable and flexible, it provides a meaningful graphic which aids student learning.

Following training in the Framing Routine during post graduate course work, I used it with students in math, English, and science classrooms. Frames provide a graphic which is co-constructed with students. I've found that good pre-planning and preparation are essential. Using the Cue-Do-Review Sequencing  allows students to process and make connections for successful frame construction. Students are excited to be involved in the creation of their frames.
austinpam76 Over 6 years ago

Helpful Tip: Don't use a blank frame

After talking with a colleague about note-taking techniques, I simply said that I use frames to introduce concepts. When she said that she did not like using frames, I simply asked why.   She said that it takes too long for the kids to fill in the boxes.  I was confused.  I showed her how I use the Framing Routine.  I give the students a partially-filled-in frame to work with.  The students highlight the topic, highlight the key words in the :is about' section, and highlight key words in the main idea sections.  I leave out key words for the students to fill in (like cloze notes), as well.  I also write math problems to coincide with the topic of the frame.  This allows the students the opportunity to apply math concepts.  She liked this idea, tried it, and saw how well it worked.  She was not impressed with the time it took to prepare, but realized it was worth it in the end. :)
choyt Over 6 years ago

Implementation Successes and Challenges

After receiving the personal development in the FRAMing Routine, I began using it immediately in my English 8 classroom, and I have done so regularly since 205.  It is an excellent method to utilize to take notes. It also aids students at capturing the main ideas of the notes instead of them trying to write down everything being covered.  
Examples of topics on which I have used FRAMing are elements of fiction, descriptive language, what makes a good paragraph, and types of conflict to name a few.

Framing is a regular part of my instruction, and I have had students return from college telling me they used FRAMES to take notes in their classes, and it has benefitted them greatly.  

A challenge I faced early on when implementing FRAMing into my classroom was to get the students to see its importance and its benefits. Another challenge was trying to get students to  streamline their notes, copying the necessary and not absolutely everything.  Doing so has aided them in being able to determine the main idea and summarize certain topics more easily.

Prior to receiving training in Paragraph and Theme Writing, I also used a modified version of the FRAME to aid students in organizing their writings.
laura-selkirk Over 6 years ago

Implementation Description

I observed my colleague using the Framing Routine with a group of teachers at a training to review the topic of supplementary aides and services in regards to special education.  She did a great job with the cue-do-review process and the teachers enjoyed the organizational aspect that the Frame provides. 

Below is a link to the Implementation Checklist I completed (with my comments) while she was using the Frame with the participants.

s-graham Almost 7 years ago


The Frame was implemented in to a 9th grade Earth Science course. I must start by saying students at the end of working through the Frame were saying how great it was as a way to organize and saw immediately how the main ideas and supporting details would help them review the material. 
This was the first time Dale Floyd worked with students on  Frame she overall did a wonderful job. There were a few areas of concern with the creation of the So What. But after talking with Dale she understands how that section should work in the future. She did a great job cuing the students in to what they would be doing, she did just leave out naming the routine. She realizes the mistake and took note to fix it in the future. 
Here is a link to the implementation checklist:

Dale was able to work with students in another class making the changes we discussed and found great success. I look forward to making Frames with her in the future. 
mclark Almost 7 years ago

Used FRAME with a class of 8th graders as a note taking device. We went through the linking steps.

greerdelrio Over 8 years ago

I worked with the teacher in designing the FRAME and modeled it for her. I then observed her with the next class.

Collaboration was the key. The teacher understood the process better after having it modeled. The challenges were adapting the FRAME to different classes' needs. The way we solved the problem really arrived through allowing the children to co-construct with us. 
judyuzzell Over 8 years ago

I met with the teacher and we built the FRAME for the lesson together. I modeled it for her and then watched her do it with her next class.

judyuzzell Over 8 years ago

Coached by Janice Creneti since 2011. SIM PD'er and teaching this routine since 2014.

sullytchr Over 8 years ago

She co-constructed in 3 8th grade co-taught history classes and 1 8th grade self-contained history class.

She reported that students stated they liked using the FRAME because it helped them organize new information. After the first round of co-construction with her classes, she asked them to pull out their completed FRAME for an activity, and only half of the class had their FRAMES. In an effort to solve this problem, she began collecting their FRAMES and handing them out when they needed them. She reported that her co-teaching partners who were not trained wanted to use the FRAME wanted to use the graphic organizer in class. She strongly encouraged them not to use it, and to ask administration about finding a professional developer to train them. 
ejgreen Over 8 years ago