Lauren Benfield

7. Engage with Coach

Response to Feedback from August 2, 2018

  • September 7, 2018 at 8:22 AM
  • Visible to public
The feedback you gave me on August 2nd said: Congratulations! on the completion of an implementation cycle. I am not able to view the video;I am getting lots of failed signs. I will ask Patty to see if she can have better luck , and then we will contact you.I see you want to continue in the fall with the second session. Let's look for a date to have a conference call or ZoomAlso you stated, you wanted the teachers to be able to return to the classroom to implement the FRAME, is this correct? If so, then there would be another session scheduled by a SIM Pder to provide the session. They (teachers in your cohort) can certainly use the FRAME developed in the session you provided on co-teaching as a quick reference for their planning, teaching and assessing.Look forward to hearing from you!

Were you able to view my videos for the Framing Routine? If not, I re-uploaded the videos to Google Drive and re-posted you the link to the Video/Observe section of badgelist. Hopefully this works! 

I think my language in my response log for "Use the Frame Routinely" was confusing, partly because I was unsure what 'routinely' meant. My response said: 
I would like to teach my participants how to construct their own frame in the October workshop, which will allow them to independently construct a frame that could be used in their own classroom/content area.

Reading it back, I realize that my statement reads as though I want my teachers to be able to teach the Frame Routine to their students. What I actually meant was that I would like the teachers to be able to complete a Frame independently, based on their knowledge of the six co-teaching appoaches and their implementation of the approaches over the last three months. I hope this helps. I will re-write my response for evidence for the "Use Frame Routinely" and clarify my meaning. 

Thank You!