Erin Barry

6. Submit a Log

Submission of Log

  • May 21, 2018 at 10:01 AM
  • Visible to public
The implementation of the Frame went very well.  I utilized it during a PD I was delivering for a staff of 65 special education teachers on Breaking Down Barriers (SAS Toolkit, Collaborative Framework and the IEP Process).  I followed the Cue, Do, Review while implementing this routine.  Overall the frame worked very well.  It helped to create a clear visual for the teachers of the 3 tools we discussed throughout the PD.  When asked if the frame was helpful, the staff overall felt like it was very helpful in providing a visual of information discussed.   When I did the frame routine with the staff, I provided the title and the 3 tools (main ideas).  We created a meaning of the title together and they created essential details under each main idea in a collaborative model with colleagues.  When reviewed together, we came up with a "So what?" together.  The next time I use the routine, I would try not providing the main ideas, but allowing the staff to come up with them on their own.  The only challenge I felt was trying to make sure I hit each piece of the "do" in the implementation.  I think naturally I would do each of the steps when instructing a group, but because I was trying to make sure I hit each step, I found it a challenge to "stick to the script" if you will.