Michael Albert

7. Engage with Coach

Coach Feedback

  • May 2, 2023 at 12:15 PM
  • Visible to public
I appreciate the fact that Ms. Pace encourages the flexibility/adaptability of the frame and emphasizing that it should be used with fidelity for the benefit of the students. I think that she liked the idea of taking ideas of the frame and implementing them into how Sara and I's OneNote is set up for students to access various main ideas. I do find myself having an easier time implementing the frame into my self-contained class vs. my co-taught class which Ms. Pace respected. It felt good to get complimented from my coach about how well I was trying to adapt the frame to high school Algebra and trying to chunk skillsets down enough to where students can easily refer back to the frame and how my schoology classroom is set up for accessing information. I do need to keep making sure that I don't put to much information into the frame and allow additional practice to be practice outside of the frame that would go together in tandem.