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There were things that went well for the students and some challenges.

  • June 23, 2017 at 7:42 AM
  • Visible to public
There were some things that went well for the students and myself and there were also many challenges. The things that went well were all four students were proficient with the functions concept and prepared for the test later that week. Also, the students were actively engaged and it was not difficult to pull information or vocabulary from their individual memory banks. The challenges faced were I had to repeat the concept diagram three times because of distractions coming into the room, technology, and messing up individually myself at first. Next time I will make sure my door is locked and no one is able to come in to distract myself or the other students during the concept review. I also would like to have more time to implement the diagram. I think it would be beneficial to generate one over a few days and add as we go rather than all at once. I think it could be utilized to learn a new concept rather than review.