Amy Whittaker

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Implementation Reflection Log

  • February 21, 2017 at 11:10 AM
  • Visible to public
One thing that went very well was how quickly the students caught onto the routine.  We've used CMR for 7 different lessons so far.  Using this routine not only helps the students organize information so that they are likely to retain it but it also helped me with organization of information.  I can refer back to a Concept Diagram to remind students about specific information or to aid in comparing and contrasting concepts that are related.  The most challenging aspect for me is knowing if an overall concept is an acceptable topic for this routine.  My co-teacher and I had several concepts that our coaches had informed us would be better taught using the Framing Routine.  We adjusted our Concept Diagrams to to show more comprehensive and difficult ideas compared to our original concepts.  In the future, we also need to have the students come up with the overall concept with less input from us.  Previously, we were giving them this information to put on their diagrams.