Leslie M Murphy Brown

7. Engage with SIM Professional Developer

Feedback and Follow-up

  • May 20, 2019 at 11:04 AM
  • Visible to public
Coach's Feedback:


Feedback Reflection:
In reviewing my coach's feedback, I see where I may not have been as explicit as possible in discussing my expectations during the co-construction of the Concept Comparison Table; however, I did "informally" address this as I was passing out copies of the table. Furthermore, these students were used to co-constructing various Content Enhancement Routines so they did have background knowledge of the expectations during co-construction, thus I did not spend a great deal of time reiterating these. It also appears the video did not capture the complete review of the routine at the end of the co-construction. I do remember discussing with the students how they would use this routine both for the remainder of the current class period as well as in the coming days. (The teacher with whose class I worked to do this co-construction did email me later in the week saying her students frequently referred to the routine as they completed various review activities throughout the remainder of the week  and the students remarked the usefulness of their document.)