Blnded Lrning 4:Successful Online Courses (1 CTLE)


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  • Last updated February 7, 2022 at 5:24 AM
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Create a "Top Ten Online Tips" list for creating an effective Online Class and post it.

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Blended Learning 4: Top Ten Online Tips

For Blended Learning 4, my top ten list for creating an effective Online Class would be:

1.  Establish open, honest and respectful communication by having clearly defined expectations for behavior as well as clearly defined, appropriate consequences for not following the class expectations. ( and )

2. Adapt! Students cannot be expected to spend 7 hours a day in front of a computer screen the way that they spend 7 hours a day in a traditional classroom. Allow for flexibility in completion of assignments rather than all students working on the same assignment at the same time, and instead have set times for Zoom or Google Meets where students can have facetime with their teacher and fellow classmates. (

3. Take advantage of multiple mediums to present new information. Mediums such as videos, simulation, or text that are effective in the traditional classroom are also effective in the online classroom. These materials allow students to be engaged with the content of the lesson, and are familiar to most students as ways of obtaining new information. (

4. Be mindful of students with special needs and make sure that course material is accessible to all. Use practices such as the use of assistive technologies and additional time if needed so that a wide variety of learners may be reached. (

5. Be consistent and organized. Once you choose a format for uploading assignments, stick to that format throughout the course. Make navigating the course simple for your students so that they do not become overwhelmed. This will save time for both the teacher and the students alike as everyone will know what to expect. ( and

6. Be understanding! Things come up in students personal lives, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic, that prevents them from completing assignments on time. Teachers of online courses should be empathetic and understanding of their students situations. (

7. Send weekly checklists via email or posted to the homepage of your virtual classroom (ex: the stream on Google Classroom). This will allow families to keep track of what the students are responsible for each week, and when each assignment is due. (

8. Avoid being tech support for your students. This takes time away from teaching and often leads to frustration for everyone involved. Instead, direct them to resources that may help them. (

9. Record your lectures so that students may access it at a later time. This will allow students who need extra help the opportunity to revisit the material on their own time. (

10. Be supportive! Our most important job as educators is to support our students. When students feel safe and and like there is someone in their corner, the more confident they will be. (

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