Behavior Management Public


Demonstrate purposeful actions to maintain order including routines, and problem-solving approaches to challenging behaviors.

Required Evidence

Physical Environment

Classroom physical environment affects morale and student learning. The environment should match your objectives, both in terms of human interaction and your instructional approach. The arrangement of seating is one major variable. How might you include students in creating the physical environment? More Info

Building Positive Relationships

When students feel that you value and care for them as individuals, they are more willing to comply with your wishes. Commit to these simple acts for one week: greet students at the door, communicate expectations in positive terms, listen for understanding. What did you notice? More Info

Problem Solving Approach to Challenging Behavior

When challenges are approached with an intent to solve the problem, rather than punish the results can be remarkable. Link documentation of your scientific approach to a specific challenging behavior. More Info

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