BlendEd Lvl. 1 - Dabbler

Tell us how it made the lesson better

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  • Last updated July 19, 2017 at 7:39 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
How did the use of this resource aid your instructional approach? Did you encounter any obstacles along the way? Share a brief reflection here.

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Nearpod link for the read aloud "It's Okay to be different" by Todd Parr.

I believe that the Nearpod link was super beneficial in aiding to student understanding of the read aloud. Students were to finish the read aloud video provided via my Youtube channel, and then complete the workbook designed on Nearpod. The Nearpod link also includes a collaborative board where students were to practice their digital literacy skills as well as showing personal respect and kindness toward others. This made the lesson better by providing a way for students to collaborate and work at their own pace while following the guided instruction along the way.
emily-wolford About 3 years ago

Pear Deck for Formative Assessment

Pear Deck allows me to collect formative assessment data on the progress my students are making with content. I use the tool as a check for understanding during instruction to modify instruction as needed. Obstacles included managing the dashboard while also presenting the slide deck to the class. I use an extended screen so I can monitor responses before displaying them to the class. Sometimes while presenting on the Smartboard, I have had an issue with showing student responses.

Overall, Pear Deck is an effective tool to engage students in a lesson and collect where they are in their knowledge, skills, and abilities. 
kristine-woods About 3 years ago

EdPuzzle made this lesson better by making students pause and reflect on their comprehension while allowing for HOT questions!

If you haven’t used EdPuzzle yet, you should take full advantage! It makes teaching more meaningful while allowing the teacher to be free for more 1:1 lessons! 
melkimbrell Over 3 years ago

Seesaw allowed my student to easily complete their activity and then share it with me.

We have temporarily gone to remote learning.  I was wondering how I could have my students complete the "Balloons Over Broadway" activity that I had planned.  Seesaw allowed me to easily set everything up for them to create and share their activity.  I was able to add a video of the book being read and a template for them to create their balloon using the drawing tools.  They then were able to write about their balloon using the text tools and record more information using the recording tool.  This all was easily added to their journal for me to approve and then share with their parents.
cwhipps Over 3 years ago

Remote learning? No legos in the house? Try this....

During our remote learning lesson introducing volume to 5th graders, I didn't have the physical access to students and they didn't have physical access to hands on manipulative items. We did the next best thing, and used the online resource to play, explore, and build to gain understanding of the relationship between the volume of a rectangular prism and its length, depth, and height.
Most students were able to discover the multiplicative relationship after playing around a while, some are going to need the concrete tools to truly get this- so I'll put baggies of cubes outside the classroom for parents to swing by and pick up before intervention lesson.
Overall, the site provided an excellent tool to move students from representational understanding to abstract in a very short period of time. Highly recommended.
april-robinson Over 3 years ago

Research Made More Simplistic

Students were able to get into Pebble Go and research an insect they wanted to know more about. The device read the information to my struggling readers and gave excellent visuals to enhance their understanding. 
christina-merta Over 5 years ago

Videos with embedded questions allow students to work at own pace and make its more interactive. Helps reinforce accountability.

mrslemmo About 6 years ago

This resource is by far one of the most helpful to teach reading in the Cyber School environment.

This resource is by far one of the most helpful to teach reading in the Cyber School environment. I have used the leveled readers in both whole group lessons, and small group intervention lessons. The site is also full of other lesson plans, games, and activities to use with students. Along with pulling  materials to use in my lessons, students go on independently and interact with the readers. They can read them, or listen along, and then they answer comprehension questions. It is a great tool for helping students improve comprehension and allowing teachers to collect and view resulting data. I have not encountered any obstacles with this site or its resources. 
kari-shaffer Over 6 years ago

This VR made my lesson better because students were able to view the ruins of Ancient Civilizations & complete checks for understanding

During our final lesson, we introduce the ancient civilizations of South America through a Scavenger Hunt. The Scavenger Hunt that was housed in my room was a VR trip to the ruins of the Mayas, Aztecs and Incan people. There were several checks for understanding embedded in the trip, which allowed for group collaboration. 
emily-kress Almost 7 years ago