Riley Zimmer

Curated Digital Citizenship Resources

Curated Digital Citizenship Resources

  • November 21, 2021 at 7:58 AM
  • Visible to public
1. Common Sense Eduction: Digital curriculum that covers digital footprints, cyber bullying, media balance, online privacy and communication, and news and media literacy. This is a great resource because it has different activities to accommodate different grade levels and it has resources for educators and parents.

2. ISTE: ISTE has several resources online for educators to help them promote digital citizenship in their classroom. The article I found most appealing is the "5 Competencies of Digital Citizenship as it has 5 clear targets for students paired with simple sentences to get the message of digital citizenship across to students. Printing these on a poster for a classroom would be beneficial.

3. BrainPOP: A fun and interactive platform that has an entire module dedicated to digital citizenship. Students can find resources for all kinds on problems and topics that they might encounter online like conflict resolution, copyright, digital etiquette, information privacy etc.

4. Google's Digital Citizenship and Safety Course: This course is designed for educators and students in mind to learn how to create a safe and positive experience online. Google also has a digital responsibility course that may be beneficial for an older group of students.

5. Ted Talks: My students love Ted Talks and there are several talks on digital footprints and digital citizenship. My favorite is "Lessons on Digital Citizenship from Charlie Brown"

6. YouTube: Similar to Ted Talks, YouTube also offers a wide ranges of animated videos over what being a digital citizen is and how to be one. This might be more appropriate for a younger crowd.