Olivia Carlstedt

Curated Digital Citizenship Resources

Curated Digital Citizenship Resources

  • December 13, 2020 at 10:18 PM
  • Visible to public
Common Sense-https://www.commonsense.org/education/digital-citizenship
This provides resources for teachers to access and share with their students. The media can be applied to a K-12 classroom and can be applied through different grade levels as needed.

This resource is great for teaching the 9 Key P's of digital citizenship. This includes teaching privacy of passwords, sensitive information, and photographs. 

Common Sense-https://www.commonsense.org/education/digital-citizenship/lesson/whos-looking-at-your-digital-footprint
This resource discusses digital footprints and teaching students to be aware of what they post on the internet. This is more applicable at an older age but the same ideas can be pulled from to teach at an elementary level.


This resource also touches on digital citizenship. This includes access, etiquette, law, and security to name a few.


This is another resource that teaches digital citizenship and can go hand in hand with teaching the nine elements of digital citizenship. This is more similar to the Schoology website. There is also a chart that can be used to teach levels of digital citizenship and how to improve it. 

The last resource discusses the nature of digital citizenship and how it applies to education. This begins to provide extra examples that are unique. This also provides the DO's of digital citizenship that can be used for students who need to hear things positively and not negatively.