Jessica Gilpatrick

Curated Digital Citizenship Resources

A description of each resource and how it supports student understanding of digital citizenship.

  • December 9, 2020 at 2:03 PM
  • Visible to public
  1. Digital Citizenship slideshow: defines digital citizenship, student responsibility, elements of digital citizenship, and include an image of the 21st Century Digital Compass
  2. Common Sense Education curriculum: outlines 80 lessons that students can complete in order to learn more about thinking critically, behaving safely, and participating responsibly in the digital environment
  3. Digital Citizenship poster: a colorful and printable display that reminds students who a digital citizen is and what they must do
  4. TES Teaching Pack (4-9 in Blendspace): six-lesson unit of work designed to enhance citizenship and computing curriculums around the world through social media platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter
  5. ISTE Standards for Students YouTube series: four videos that elaborate on the ISTE Digital Citizen sub-standards
  6. Digital Citizenship project (11-12 in Blendspace): a short project covering computer viruses, digital footprints, cyberbullying, online privacy, etc. including a workbook; ends with students creating a comic that teaches others how to stay safe online