Cassie Jacoboski

Curated Digital Citizenship Resources

Digital Citizenship Rources

  • December 10, 2020 at 1:57 PM
  • Visible to public
This website has lesson plans, videos, and diagrams for children to look at and learn. As the teacher you can teach each of the lessons. There is a section for parents, educators, and advocates.
This website has a tab full of information of digital citizenship and games the kids can play learning about it DC. It also has a cute little Digital cyber academy the kids can go through to learn more. 
This is just an article explaining more about digital citizenship. You can learn about online safety, cyberbullying, netiquette, privacy, copyright, and the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior to help young people consider their digital footprint.  
Play safe online with Mickey It’s never too early to start making smart choices online. This is a video where Mickey Mouse talks about how families can play games, build skills, and practice together when it comes to using the internet.
This is an amazing site for children to go through to learn all the aspects of digital citizenship specifically internet safety. It has videos, games, and stories for them to go through to learn more. 
Online Privacy for Kids- In this educational video they give advice on how to protect online privacy. They explain how we should be careful with what we share, even more so if it's personal information that we wouldn't like other people to know about. Sharing is a responsibility. Very educational video for all ages!