Meredith Scott

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Ms. Paxtons Technology Experience

  • March 28, 2017 at 11:00 AM
  • Visible to public
I chose to interview a 2nd grade teacher who I know from personal experience, does a phenomenal job with the students in her class. When interviewing Ms. Paxton she stated that she most frequently uses the smart board, computer lab, and checks out iPads. She said that when she first began using the smart board she did not know how to use it to the fullest. Now she maximizes its capabilities with tons of smart board resources. For example, when her kids begin to get restless she will put on kids yoga and they stand in front of the board and repeat after the instructor. She said at the beginning of her teaching career she never thought she would use something like that. When she uses the computer lab she uses various systems depending on what she wants to accomplish. One thing she finds valuable is teaching students typing. This can help them in their future in almost any job they choose. She said she uses explain everything on the iPads along with kahoot. I think that is so cool that so many schools are using kahoot as a fun way to assess students. I saw another teacher using kahoot at Arthur Elementary. In conclusion, she said she enjoys using technology in the class and has a tech person she can ask for help from at her school.