Rachel Lukaszek


Laser Cutting

  • March 25, 2017 at 12:03 PM
  • Visible to public
During this trip to the Innovation hub, we learned to use the laser cutter, received a full tour of the Innovation Hub and learned all of the other machines and tools they have to offer. Each of these machines look very futuristic and were not a part of my education growing up. As a future teacher, it is important to familiarize yourself with these tools for they may be a part of education in the future. It would be cool to incorporate them in the classroom somehow. I would like to bring my class to the Innovation Hub on a field trip or have the workers come speak in my class about what they do and use what they shared to do an activity in my class. I want my students to be prepared for the future and familiarizing my students with these tools is vital to their future success in the world.