Sydney king

Review of the three Donors Choose Applications

revised evidence

  • March 6, 2017 at 12:59 PM
  • Visible to public

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DonorsChoose Review:1.What I liked about my donorschoose links:I really liked the three teachers I chose because all of their requests were realistic and things that I had in classrooms growing up. They laptops for all her students in order to revise and do research projects makes sense because she is trying to prepare these students for college and in college you MUST know how to edit your work. The teacher who wanted to provide students with the opportunity to pick which kind of seating arrangement worked for them appealed to the audience by making it relatable, where do YOU sit at starbucks? Does it help you focus better? It helps remind you that students should not be confined to hard chairs and strict rows if that is not what helps them learn best. The last one was my absolute favorite because of how strong of a sense of community you can feel just from her description. She kept saying that in her classroom they say WE can do it, WE can be better. She is also realistic about the environment in which she works. From what she said, you can conclude that maybe her district is not in the best area and that her kids may not come from the best homes. But she says no matter where they come from, I want them to remember that they can make something of themselves and they can learn to be amazing. 2. What I did not like:I did not like how the first teacher did not really hit on the topic of preparing her students or college. It was implied when she said they needed to learn how to revise and keep up with research but I feel like if she would have also argued that this is an essential skill they will need in college that she would have made a more powerful argument on the necesity of the computers. With the teacher that wanted to have her kids sit anywhere they wanted I did not like how she did not back her claim up with research. As a teacher candidate, I have been shown and taught about studies that prove children learn better when they are in a comfortable environment that fits their needs but not all people are aware of that. There was not anything I did not like about the 3rd teacher. I agreed with everything she said, like I said, that one is by far my favorite. Overall I did not like how some teachers did not put their grant proposal up front and easy to find. If I had to scroll a lot to try and find it, most of the time I just looked for another one. 3. 5 tips for writing a winning DonorsChoose application:Describe your classroom. Let the donor feel how much you love your kids and how important they are to you.Describe what you want up front. I skipped past a few of the choices because it was too much to read and did not seem very interesting. It could have been an amazing proposal but I wouldn't have known because it did not grab my attention.Tell them why you think this will beneficial to your students. Why do they need it and how will it help?Provide research based evidence on why this is a good idea. Is it proven to work? Why is that? (This is purely my opinion, I am the kind of person who is convinced when I see proven facts in front of my face.)Appeal to the human side of the donors. Tell how beneficial and possibly life changing this could be. If you can talk about some struggles you face without the object you need.