Kallie Sager

Review of the three Donors Choose Applications

critiques and tips

  • February 20, 2017 at 9:06 PM
  • Visible to public
Donor one: “Keep Calm and Diffuse On!”  
This is a campaign to raise $556 for an essential oil diffuser and specific oils. It says this project will impact 18 students in a high poverty school. The teacher says “we make a point of assessing their holistic well-being before we start our day.” If it is a high poverty school means 65% or more of the school is on free or reduced lunches, according to the website. If I were not already skeptical of essential oils, I would pause at that statement. If the children are in a high poverty environment, chances are they are not getting enough food at home. This teacher wants to provide scents that will “promote appropriate behavior.” Personally, I think this is a ridiculous amount of money to help only 18 students be less stressed and behave more appropriate. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending who you are, I stumbled across this fundraiser by searching “physiology.” It obviously was not what I was looking for, but it did catch my attention.    

Donor two: “Breakout of Science!”  
This one caught my eye because of the short bio it provided. The teacher mentioned that the technology provided a lot of things, including over 250 games available on this one device. Her project goal is $390 and the content will reach 150 students. It seems like she will be putting the money to good use and affects the most students possible in the Oklahoma City school system. She talked about the hands-on experience her students thrived on. They were not just “games” they allowed the students to think critically about material they were going over in class. The teacher talked about how this fosters motivation for their content and how it can relate to the real world. All of the things, I recognize, as important for the students.  

Donor three: “Wild About Animals: A Zoo Investigation”

I appreciate how this teacher highlighted the school’s low socioeconomic status and how important she sees her role as a teacher. She plans on assigning wild animals to her students. A trip to the zoo will give them an opportunity to get out of the school and observe these animals. However, the goal is $942 for the entry fees for 20 students. The project goal also attempts to provide “t-shirt to wear to easily be identified.” There are 20 students. Surely there will be other chaperones going on the trip to make 20 students manageable. I do not know if it is necessary to ask for the funds to buy each student a shirt so they can be easily identified. If this was an actual worry, I feel like they could ask the students to wear a school shirt or a shirt of a certain color. I know this also might be a lot to ask of some high poverty schools, but this might be more reasonable than spending over $20 on a elementary student’s t-shirt (I did the math on it).      

  • Make sure the quick bio catches attention in a positive way, and also highlights the importance of where the money is going.  
  • See that the fundraiser is proportionate to the number of students it will help.  
  • Choose a fundraiser that is worthy of a campaign. There are plenty of students in need for actual supplies.   
  • Include pertinent keywords so that donors can find projects they are closest to.   
  • Lastly, try to come up with a “punny” or catchy title to catch the donors’ attention. “To Science and Beyond,” is more interesting than “Science Tools.”