Rachel Lukaszek

Review of the three Donors Choose Applications

Review of Three Donors Choose Applications

  • February 8, 2017 at 1:48 PM
  • Visible to public
Rachel Lukaszek

Donors Choose

1.Balancing Through Physical Education
This Donor's Choose page comes from a school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for Pre-K-2nd Grade. In the teachers explanation, she does a great job of elaborating on the children that she sees on a day to day basis and what their need actually is. She also explains what the product will do for students, including working on balancing and coordination, as well as, give them opportunities to work together in groups. Her writing made me feel for her students and want to donate. If I were this teacher, I would have added more explanation of the product. I am not entirely sure what she wants to buy after reading her writing. Also the title of her project, is not very catchy so I would work on that as well.

2. Technology in Physical Education
This Donor’s Choose page comes from Katy, Texas, where my roommate is actually from so it makes me want to donate. The teacher on this page explains that they serve one hundred students at a time and would like an IPad to teach their students about their bodies. I like that the teacher emphasized certain parts of the paragraphs using different sized font. It helped the reader to focus on those main points. They also wrote about how they would use it specifically. To better this post, I would add pictures of his own gym with students or had more of a professional picture as his account. I would also add more details about why the IPad was the chosen tool for his class over other cheaper options. I would like a better reasoning as to why it is a necessity.

3. Physical Education is my Jam!
This Donor’s Choose page comes from Minneapolis, Minnesota. Overall, this page was the most impressive from the three options. She made it more personal by adding her own touches to it. She also used different sized font and size of font which made it easy to read as well. She did a great job of explaining which equipment things she would like to buy and what they would be used for which I think is important for Donors Choose. I would add in some more about what activities she does in class now.

5 Tips for Writing a Donors Choose:
  1. Explain Everything. Give a full description on what the need is, why it is needed, and how it will be used.
  2. Add personal information about the school and the teacher to give the reader a connection to your project.
  3. Make sure all the information is there on the type of school and grade.
  4. Keep profile professional.
  5. Do not be too wordy. It is more about quality than quantity and to keep a reader's attention, keep the article short but informational.