Jacqueline Hansen

Review of the three Donors Choose Applications

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  • March 22, 2017 at 11:52 AM
  • Visible to public
When searching for requests to review, I searched for things that I have strong feelings about such as the arts literacy. Both my sister and I were in band and orchestra (respectively) so I know first hand how underfunded arts programs are. I chose the "New Instruments" request becuase I know how expensive woodwind instrumnets are and its kind of gross that some of them share the same saxaphone. I was not super impressed with the request, it did not really stand out. The title was just "New Instruments" it should be something like "Help the Saxaphones!" or something a little more creative. The picture was of the band marching and I feel like it should have been the saxaphone section, the kids that were benefiting from the donation. I really liked the "Building Literacy through Art" request because the teacher is incorparating art in teaching literacy. So the students will have fun while building a strong reading foundation. I liked the picture and the title, the only problem is there was a sentence repeated in one paragraph. "Launch us into 2017" was my favorite request I reviewed, the title grabbed my attention right off the bat. I think robotics programs are really cool and wish I gotten into it in high school.