Haven Ellis

Review of the three Donors Choose Applications

My evidence and reasoning!

  • February 21, 2017 at 10:46 AM
  • Visible to public
Haven Ellis Critique Donors Choose Badge 02/21/17   What are five things these donors choose applicants did well? ·         For the first link I thought that the teacher did an excellent job at explaining why she needed the funds for her classroom. I like how descriptive she was and told the viewers the three main goals she wants her students to be able to accomplish once completing the class ( Pillow case, Reusable bag, Pajama Pants) ·         I thought the teacher did a good job at explaining how hard her students have worked throughout the years. The fact that they are in the highest teacher-student ratio area is a big deal and it tells a lot about the students drive and dedication to be successful. ·         For the third link, I absolutely loved how the teacher started off by asking the viewers questions. She starts by saying “Remember when you were a third grader?” By starting off with this question she gets the viewers to think back and essentially makes them think what it would have been like for them as third graders if they would have been given the wide range of seating options available in the classroom. ·         All three of these teachers I thought made good and arguable points as to why they needed the funds for their students. ·         They were very specific on how they intended on using their funds and I appreciated how open and honest they were about the students and how some or a majority of their students came from lower income families.   What are five things these donors choose applicants did not do well? ·         For the first link, overall I thought the page was great however I think the teacher could have come up with a more creative title. I think she would be able to get more attention from potential donors if her title was more interesting than “Beginning Sewing” ·         When looking at the second link, I felt like the teacher was very repetitive in saying how hard her students have worked. I think every teacher is going to say that they have hard working students who deserve to have a little fun but I felt like she could have given some more examples of work these sixth graders have accomplished. I was also confused when she said that the students would be able to learn more about the lifecycle and wildlife reservation at frontier city? Unless they have added a new part to the park that I am unaware of, I would have liked for her to have given examples on how these students were going to be able to work with and learn about the life cycle, ect. ·         For the third link, I loved the title but I was disappointed in the picture that the teacher chose. She is asking for different seating so her students will be able to wiggle around while learning but then the picture for the application is a drawing of a flower. I would have liked to have seen a picture of the chair so that why I know what I am donating to. ·          Going back to the beginning sewing link, just like I said for the third one, I definitely think she could have used a better picture. She should have showed the students actually sewing or doing something related to the class other than just standing and smiling. ·         Overall I think each of these teachers could have been just a tad bit more specific with their descriptions. I would recommend that the teachers really take into consideration what they are using for pictures and their titles. Those are the attention grabbers and in order to be successful and have people donate you have got to stand out amongst other teachers who are essentially wanting the same thing (people to donate) just for different causes.