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ISTE Standards

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  • Last updated August 17, 2020 at 10:34 AM
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Empowered Learner Standard

Empowered Learner Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.
See the Empowered Learner standards in action.  Empowered Learner Playlist
Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.
Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support the learning process.
Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways..
Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
megrohmer Over 3 years ago

I chose standard 4.

Standard 4, Collaborator: Educators dedicate time to collaborate with both colleagues and students to improve practice, discover and share resources and ideas, and solve problems. Educators: 4a: Dedicate planning time to collaborate with colleagues to create authentic learning experiences that leverage technology. 4b: Collaborate and co-learn with students to discover and use new digital resources and diagnose and troubleshoot technology issues. 4c: Use collaborative tools to expand students' authentic, real-world learning experiences by engaging virtually with experts, teams and students, locally and globally. 4d: Demonstrate cultural competency when communicating with students, parents and colleagues and interact with them as co-collaborators in student learning.
baileelake99 Over 3 years ago

ISTE Learner 1b standard

Learner 1b Pursue professional interests by creating and actively participating in local and global learning networks.
sarinaritter Over 3 years ago


LearnerEducators continually improve their practice by learning from and with others and exploring proven and promising practices that leverage technology to improve student learning. Educators:a. Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.b. Pursue professional interests by creating and actively participating in local and global learning networks.c. Stay current with research that supports improved student learning outcomes, including findings from the learning sciences
kenziedanayy Over 3 years ago

Standards below:

Citizen: Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital world. 

Educators design authentic, learner-driven activities and environments that recognize and accommodate learner variability. 
devynsureck Over 3 years ago


ISTE Standard 5a: Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.
chloekirk1 Over 3 years ago


Citizen: Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital world.

Collaborator: Educators dedicate time to collaborate with both colleagues and students to improve practice, discover and share resources and ideas, and solve problems. 
alexa-sheppard Over 3 years ago

ISTE standard: Collaborator 4C

ISTE Standard: Collaborator 4C - Use collaborative tools to expand students’ authentic, real-world learning experiences by engaging virtually with experts, teams and students, locally and globally.

I think this standard sums up what using twitter as an educator and using it in the classroom is meant for. We can use twitter to virtually engage with a number of experts and even with our students which is extremely beneficial to both the educator and the student.
haleyycranee Over 3 years ago


7. Global CollaboratorStudents use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally and globally.
a. use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual understanding and learning.
b. use collaborative technologies to work with others, including peers, experts or community members, to examine issues and problems from multiple viewpoints.
c. contribute constructively to project teams, assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.
d. explore local and global issues and use collaborative technologies to work with others to investigate solutions.
delaneymcdaid Over 3 years ago

ISTE Standard 7. Global Communicator

7. Global Collaborator Students use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally and globally.

Students get exposure to interaction with others outside of their community, and learn how to have appropriate manners in the digital world. 
rachelzas Over 3 years ago

My ISTE standard I linked to using twitter

3. Citizen Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital world. Educators: b. Establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and critical examination of online resources and fosters digital literacy and media fluency.
kamee-smith Over 3 years ago

ISTE Standards

Educators inspire students to positively contribute to and responsibly participate in the digital world.
a. Create experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that build relationships and community.
b. Establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and critical examination of online resources and fosters digital literacy and media fluency.
c. Mentor students in the safe, legal and ethical practices with digital tools and the protection of intellectual rights and property.
d. Model and promote management of personal data and digital identity and protect student data privacy.
andrewodell11 Over 3 years ago